LinkedIn is the top professional platform, with over 1 billion users in 200 countries.

To standout as a business, you have to know some insider tips. The good part? Here at Linkedist, we’ve got you covered.

Our courses cover everything from personal branding to advanced sales techniques, ensuring your team excels on LinkedIn and drives business growth. 

Exclusive Packages for Companies:


Flexible Learning

Your team can learn at their own pace, anytime, and from anywhere.


Designed for Everyone

A diverse range of topics tailored to meet every professional’s needs.


Bulk Discounts 

Benefit from special pricing when buying a package of licenses.


Ongoing Support

Continuous access to resources, real-life examples, and strategies.

A strong employee
profile can attract 2x more viewers and 2x more engagement than a company page.

How do Linkedist courses help your business?

Driving Quality Traffic

With LinkedIn responsible for 64% of all social media visits to corporate websites, empower your team to drive high-quality traffic to your website, increasing the likelihood of converting visitors into leads and sales.

Generating More Leads

LinkedIn generates more leads by 227% compared to other social platforms. Equip your team with the skills to leverage this powerful tool, which has a visitor-to-lead conversion rate nearly three times higher than Twitter and Facebook.

Promoting Your Business

Help your employees grow their professional networks, promoting your business and expanding its influence in the industry.

Boosting Employee Retention

By investing in your employees' professional growth, you increase their job satisfaction and loyalty, which leads to higher retention rates.

Number of LinkedIn users per country

Our Personal Branding & Sales courses provide:



Short and easy-to-follow videos



Access to additional resources



Test understanding and reinforce knowledge



Official certificate upon completion

94% of employees say they’d stay longer at a company if it invested in their learning and development.

Our Courses

What Our Business Clients Say

Giovanni Proietta
Founder of Giovanni Consulting
Linkedist courses are some of the more advanced and practical tools out there to achieve great results on LinkedIn with a sustainable effort. Very happy about the material I had the chance to go through.
Enée Bussac
CEO & Co-Founder at Greencent

LinkedIn is a very complex yet powerful and useful tool, especially for us as we operate in the B2B sector. Thanks to Linkedist, I could significantly improve my knowledge. I feel more at ease, my profile gets more impressions and LinkedIn has become a staple of my working days.
Narmin Mammadova
Jr Social Media Manager at GrowTech
I absolutely love the practicality of these courses in real-world contexts. Thanks to my optimized LinkedIn profile, recruiters are now finding me instead of me applying to numerous positions, all thanks to Linkedist.
Rima Kasnauskytė
Founder of CiuCiu®
I am grateful for the new Linkedin knowledge I gained during Linkedist courses: Personal branding and Linkedin Sales. Just one weekend with courses from LinkedIn pros, and I feel ready to dive into Linkedin with confidence and enthusiasm!
Ema Sparvelienė
Employer Brand Manager at Nord Security

Even though I already knew a lot about personal branding, Linkedist course helped me to look at the same topics from a different perspective.
David Mataciunas
CTO & Co-Founder at AQ22
I highly recommend Linkedist’s personal branding course to anyone looking to create a strong personal brand, especially technical people. After taking the course, my post impressions increased threefold and gave me the confidence and motivation to write
daily posts.
Leon Van Der Laan
Founder & Consultant at Remode
Linkedist is the top resource
I recommend for learning anything LinkedIn-related. Practical and relatable.
Justas Markus
CEO at GetFound XL
The sales course is insightful and helpful. Although I am not a sales lead, I wanted to expand my network and develop my skills. Worth every penny.
Živilė Barkauskaitė
Brand Manager at Wargaming
I learned new, in-depth information about actual tools, hacks, and strategies to better reach marketing related prospect
 via LinkedIn.

 Gabrielė Vilčinskaitė
Service Marketing & Communication
Specialist at Danfoss Drives

“Personal Branding on LinkedIn” course gave me valuable insights into optimizing my LinkedIn profile, creating engaging content, and how-to recommendations for networking with high-quality professionals. Overall, the course was incredibly informative and practical, offering many actionable examples.

Margarita Perveneckienė
Co-Founder & CMO at Merita Wellness

A must for everyone who wants to develop the personal brand. I’ve got all answers to my questions, found out useful hacks and learned new things, especially about sales on LinkedIn. Although there was quite much information, everything was very clear and simple to implement.

Eva Piatrushina
Live Designer at Sharkmob

I was in love with the Personal branding course format that I could watch it at a convenient for me time. It helped me grow my followers from 300 to 3000. Highly recommend it for structuring knowledge and gaining new ones.

Trusted by International Partners

Your team's skills drive your business toward greater success!

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